Ship Protection
Ship Corrosion Protection with FLUOROSEAL® Corrosion Protection Coating with Unparalleled Barrier to Ions Rich Seawater and Salt-Spray can extend period between docking for maintenance more than several folds:
Ships traversing over the oceans face one of the most intense corrosion challenges. Even the best and proven epoxy-polyurethane paints are gradually damaged molecularly by UV from the sun that hasten the corrosion attacks from the sea salt-fog and salt-spray for the ship areas above waterline.
For the ship hull below the waterline, direct saline with salt corrosive ions also suffered accelerated corrosion and particularly those areas that have been weakened by other means. Of course, the biocide growth also created additional challenges.
The corrosive power of the sea atmosphere exerts the same effects for steel ships for commercial or military uses. In less than a years, rusts and weakening are already observable above waterline and even more prominent below waterline. The unique UV, salt ions, and corrosive gases blocking molecular ability of the modified PVDF based FLUOROSEAL® CPC-7150 and CPC-7280 can help to extends the service time between docking for repair and maintenance by at least 2 folds.
While commercial cargo ships do not have the same mission critical aspects for military ships, they cost the same few million of dollars for a few days of dry dock works and corresponding loss of revenue during the weeks of non-productive time. Applying a top-coating of FLUOROSEAL® protects both above and below waterline for years more before the next maintenance.
All sea traversing ships suffer the same corrosive effects of the sea atmosphere and sun UV exposure. In less than a years, rusts and weakening are already observable above waterline and even more prominent below waterline. Periodic maintenance and dry dock repairs not only costly, its time off from transporting goods. The unique UV, salt ions, and corrosive gases blocking molecular ability of the modified PVDF based FLUOROSEAL® CPC-7150 and CPC-7280 can dramatically and demonstrably stop corrosions even when they have started. Thus, help to extends the service time between docking for repair and maintenance by at least 2 folds that pay for itself many times over.
Steel structures such as ships rusting and delamination are primarily caused by UV damaging of the epoxy and polyurethan coatings and their polymer molecular structure are susceptible to penetration of moisture and moisture laden with salt ions and acidic gases. These deleterious elements along the interfaces of steel and coating induces rusting and delamination. The following is an illustration of this vulnerability while also showing the effectiveness of FLUOROSEAL® corrosion protection coating CPC-7150 over-coating directly on the epoxy coating to prevent and stop these damaging elements from penetrating and protecting the epoxy coating from UV damaging.
Besides and beyond being capable in blocking off corrosive gases, moisture and moisture laden with salt ions, the concrete protection coating must also be UV resistant and better yet able to block-off UV for underlying decorative coating or structure. FLUOROSEAL® Corrosion Protection Coating CPC-7150 and CPC-7280 are the ONLY FIELD APPLICABLE (VOC Free) 70% PVDF (Polyvinylidene fluoride) Proven to Block Moisture-Water, Corrosive Elements, and UV Molecular Stability for >60 Years.
The above data showing gloss retention is a measurement of the UV resistance or molecular stability when exposed to UV during the sun exposure.
- Typical acrylic, polyurethane and epoxy coating are well-known to subject to molecular damages and thus lost their glossiness.
- Silicone coating (Polysiloxane) while having slightly tighter molecular bonding degrade slower, still molecular damages and degrades substantially.
- C-F molecules in PVDF and FEVE having much highly bonding energy have been proven to be stable for over 60 years under normal solar exposure.
- PVDF coating typically having much higher molecular packing density in the range or 1.6 to 1.8 while FEVE ranges from 1.4 to 1.5 and thus showed much higher barrier to moisture and corrosive gases penetration to provide the unparalleled field applicable corrosion protection and other chemical reactions including carbonation-alkalization protection to concrete.

Ships at seas suffer one of the most corrosive and bio-active environments. Sea water are naturally loaded with salt ionic that corrode the above waterline ship structure with salt-spray and salt-fog. Ships structure below the sea waterline are actively being penetrated with dissolved salts ions to penetrate through the painted surfaces and accelerates with scratched or weakened areas. The corrosions are notably observable in matter of less than one year. When not properly maintained and repaired, rusted areas can be the stress-concentration factor for potential disaster.
Both above the waterline and below the waterline can benefit from the immediate stopping of further corrosion with field applicable modified PVDF FLUOROSEAL® CPC-7150 and CPC-7280 corrosion