Monopile and Steel Structure Corrosion Protection Coating
Wind Turbine Structures built with steel protected by Epoxy and polyurethane Coating. Epoxy-Polyurethane molecules are vulnerable to UV degradation
- Epoxy-Polyurethane are molecularly porous with high permeability to moisture laden with corrosive acidic and ionic elements.
- Monopile and platform structures above waterline are vulnerable to degradation and corrosion failure by:
- UV induced molecular damages of traditional epoxy-polyurethane coating to allow direct exposure of steel to salt-spray and salt-fog
- Gradual penetration of corrosive ions and/or acidic gases laden salt-fog and salt-spray.
- Steel platform, mooring and structures below waterline are vulnerable to corrosion failure by:
- Gradual penetration of corrosive ions and/or acidic gases laden salt-water
- Mechanical damages induced direct salt-water induced steel corrosion
- Bacteria, seaweeds, barnacles and other bio-elements
UV and Moisture Blocking Molecular Structured Coating for Corrosion Protection:
- Blocking moisture laden with carbonic acid from CO2, other acidic gases and salt ions is key in reducing to eliminating these deleterious factors.
- Blocking moisture and acidic and corrosive gases from penetrating inside the concrete further stop corrosion and chemical reaction weakening.
- In comparison to epoxy, polyurethane and alkyd coatings, FLUOROSEAL® PVDF coatings are molecularly engineered to have thousands time less moisture absorption and lower in moisture and corrosive gases permeability to provide an effective sealing.
- FLUOROSEAL® sealing coating have 5B crosshatch and outstanding shear-bond strength to provide protection even in the more stringent environment.
- Coatings with low Tg molecular structure for stress absorption and proven extreme weathering cycle and exposures.
- FLUOROSEAL® PVDF sealing coatings are VOC-exempt for brush, roller and spray coating anywhere.
- Epoxy coating molecularly structure absorb all of UV-A and UV-B energy from the sun and is relatively easily damaged and molecularly weakened.

Dissolved Salt Laden Moisture and Corrosive Gases Blocking with PVDF coating:

Hydrophobicity and Corrosive Gases Blocking Properties Also Slow Down Bio-growth Damages: